Dugogodišnje iskustvo naših montera garantuje sigurnu montažu od starijih tipova liftova do najsavremenijih. Naši vodeći monteri su iskustvo stekli montirajući liftove najrazličitijih svetskih i domaćih proizviđača, kako po zemlji tako i po inostranstvu i to:David Pajić-DAKA, KLEEMANN, SCHINDLER, OTIS, GMV, IGV, MONITOR, DALDOSS ELVETRONIC-MIKROLIFT....
MONTLIFT trenutno održava preko 100 različitih tipova liftova. Smatramo da je redovan i kvalitetan servis lifta od presudnog značaja za njegov siguran i besprekoran rad. Pri redovnom servisu koristimo najsavremenije tehnologije i sredstva što znatno povećava vek trajanja elektro-mehaničkih sklopova lifta. Svi liftovi u održavanju MONTLIFT-a se redovno kontrolišu kako internom službom tako i godišnjim tehničkim pregledom od strane za to ovlašćene firme.
MONTLIFT poseduje bravarsku radionicu za izradu i popravku manjih elektro i mehaničkih sklopova tako da uz malo ulaganje starim ili istrošenim liftovima vraćamo stari sjaj. Ako imate potrebe za modernizacijom Vašeg lifta, promenom obloga kabine, zamenom komande lifta, pozivnih kutija i sl., kontaktirajte nas, i rado će mo Vas posavetovati i ponuditi naše rešenje.
U saradnji sa našim partnerom nudima Vam uslugu projektovanja, kako za nove Liftove tako i za već postojeće.
MONTLIFT offers a fully independent and confidential service that assures the lift owner that they are receiving the correct level of maintenance at all times.
Each of our project leaders has over 20 years of experience in installation of diverse elevator types and systems, including: David Pajić-DAKA, KLEEMANN, SCHINDLER, OTIS, GMV, IGV, MONITOR, DALDOSS ELVETRONIC-MIKROLIFT etc.
Currently MONTLIFT maintains over 100 of different types of elevator systems.
Preventative maintenance program reduces aggravating service interruptions and costly breakdowns.
Our skilled mechanics quickly troubleshoot potential problems during regular monthly inspections and repair them without delay. Continuous quality control inspections by our field technicians ensure that the highest standards of workmanship are upheld.
Independent auditor inspects all elevators maintained by MONTLIFT annually.
In our locksmith workshop we can create and repair smaller electrical and mechanical parts, thus achieving cost-effective solutions for the old elevators.
If you need a cab renovation, control modernization or any kind of improvement, contact us for the consultation. We are sure we can provide the solution for all your modernization needs.
Together with our partners we can help with the layout of elevator hoistways and elevator machine rooms, recommend features and finishes, or help with determining what types of elevator are appropriate for a buildings occupancy.